Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm back with Random items

Hello, being anonymous and absent at the same time was fun, but the thoughts within are fighting to be released.  So here are a couple.

First - DONT PLAY WITH SOCIAL NETWORKS at the risk of making your org (or yourself) look silly.

Interim Master? is that a real title? Or was this a user that set this up as a test and then left it alone? And has now forgotten about it?

Second - Lets have some fun and see that it is important to keep social networking and such in perspective, things will come and go with continual change.

But to leave all of this on a more positive and useful note, if you really want to learn more about social networks, social media and more within the nonprofit arena visit from NTEN. It is a great start to what is and will continue to be a wealth of information and a good community.