Here are some deep thoughts and ideas from it:
- Get leadership to make the management decision you want them to, not the tech decision you will make. For example ask them to approve a tech security strategy, not which firewall to buy. Or ask them to approve a desktop refresh strategy, not which desktop to buy. Etc.
- Look for ways to have a personal relationship with CEO, non work topic, talk about kids, interests outside of work. Make leadership see you as a person, not just a freaky techie!
- Understand the pressures being put on a CEO by the board
- CEO's dont see themselves as barriers and that is not their goal. They just may not understand tech and need to be diligent.
- Always start a conversation with the problem you are trying to fix, not the solution you are trying to get.
- Ask for a specific budget that includes a variance, show that you have researched options, risks, etc.